
Showing posts from June, 2014

My #LunchboxMonday Experience

Today marks the 5th week that I joined this campaign "Lunchbox Monday" .  I came across this campaign as I was surfing the Net to get more info on healthy lifestyle. You see, I've always wanted to lead a healthier lifestyle, but bringing home-cooked meal to work was not really in my plan.  But as soon as I read this short entry in Jewelpie , I   got all excited and decided to join the pledge the next Monday. Here's my first #luncboxmonday:  Grilled chicken burrito. Believe it or not, it took me less than 5-mins to assemble this meal! No, I'm not a Master Chef what-so-ever who can cook amazing food over the short period of time under lots of pressure. In fact, I'm sort-of-a-marathoner-rather-than-sprinter when it comes to cooking. I prefer to take my own sweet time in the kitchen. That was why I never thought of bringing my own meal to work. Talk about the pressure to get everything's ready on time plus having to deal with my two clingy+cranky angels...