Kad Raya
Takler banyak pun kad tu, apatah lagi nak dibandingkan dengan kengkawan lain (yang sangat famous macam Famous Amos tu. Lagipun, most of the cards were from our business associates aje, which were very formal - but I still got the nice feeling all over me.
Talk about kad raya my bestie HA had done the nicest thing - she sent me a card all the way from Japan. And that's not all, as she couldn't find any Kad Raya there, what she did was sending me a blank greeting card but she wrote Raya greeting in it! Talk about being thoughtful and creative!! Thanks a lot gal, really treasure it! (BTW the card is also in the picture, the one on top of the table).
Yang ironic nya this year I haven't sent any cards yet...No other excuses than busy..busy..busy..but the sweet thing that HA did had made me realised that there is no reason for me for not replying the cards that I got from my friends. Teringat pantun zaman sekolah dulu, “Pecah Kaca, Pecah Gelas, Sudah Baca, Harap Balas,” So I will, insya Allah..
Lin : Ko pun anta kad raya kat KRU ye? Samalah kita! Those were the times kan?