I don’t really know what’s happening to me, but I haven’t been quite myself lately.

Everything doesn’t feel right. And I hate being in this situation.

And it’s not that time of the month…

I don’t know how to describe about what I’m feeling right now and I don’t really quite sure what’s causing it.

I’m just emotionally not here nor there.

I’m neither happy nor sad.

I’m not tensed nor too relax.

I don’t want to be alone but I don’t want to be surrounded with people.

I just feel empty. Aimless.

I feel like a robot, carrying my duty and responsibility as a worker, daughter, whatsoever without having any feeling and putting so much thinking into it at all.

I hate my own guts.

I guess I got a word to describe it - Floating – I guess that’s the word. I’m floating, my mind is floating.


rawsktar said…
owh..mungkinkah jiwa kau tengah kaco??


aku pun penah rasa mcm ko. it will get better in time, kata leona lewis.
Anonymous said…
Holiday time, may be?