When Love and Hate Collides

I always in a working trip. And I usually have no complaint about it, even if it means that I have to sacrifice my weekends for it. I just loathe routine, so I regard traveling even for work purposes as a great escapade from the mundane desk work.

I usually come back to the office inspired - knowing the project that I’d been harboring for days (even months) is bringing impact to some people’s lives. It’s a satisfaction.

However, my recent trip to Kuching had been nothing but a great despair. No doubt that all the programmes were a success and our counterpart in Sarawak had been very great and helpful.

But something had happened. I should spare the details for later but Mr Famous Amos had told me that I was over reacting – in his exact word- I was being a drama queen. He could be right, or not. I admit for being over sensitive, for taking everything personally. But I do take great pride of my job. I’m not implying here that I’m a pekerja cemerlang or what- it’s just that I love what I’m doing and I’m thankful for being able to work on the issues that are really close to my heart. Thus, I seriously don’t mind going for the extra mile to get the job done.

But when my (our) reputation was being in question- I really could not take it. Perhaps my colleagues- Mr Famous Amos and Ms HM had the patience to actually sit still and swallowed the accusations. But not me-the rebellious Aquarian.

I got to bed early that night with the hope to end the misery- I had enough for one day. But the moment I woke up the next morning, the unpleasant thought just spurred back to my mind. Oh yes, I can forgive easily, but never forget.

I guess our spirit and enthusiasm were just gone. Nevertheless, we managed to put ourselves together and got the job done- and even been congratulated later!

The next day, I took the first flight home. My colleagues had persuaded me to take the evening flight- to unwind ourselves before we get back to KL, but I just couldn’t. What I needed at time like that was some time alone, for me to reflect. And what a better way to do that rather than in the sky.

So I got the tune “Hands in My Pocket” blasted from my I-pod over and over again and this phrase never failed to put a smile on my otherwise grim face.

I'm young and I'm underpaid
I'm tired but I'm working, yeah
I care but I'm worthless
I'm here but I'm really gone
I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby


Anonymous said…
U need a break.. come down to Terengganu early May... I'll try to get my first ever leave this year... we can go candat sotong, n stay in Pulau Kapas? What is in your mind? ;-)
Nadym said…
Raject, aku pun belum lagi cuti/MC/EL this year..penat sesangat dah nie...Bagus gak idea ko tu, but nanti aku confirmkan ye!
Anonymous said…
sabar nadym... org nie memang mcm2 kaler.. Tuahan jadikan kita ni pelbagai ada sebabnya.. susah2 sgt tukar je dtg tempat aku nih... abih teruk pun blwan dengan DUN kat bawah pokok...ok gak... sembang dgn abg FRU..
marmalade said…
morrisette's hand in my pocket truly reflects the state of us right now. i reckon that you are in the same scheme? hahahaha. i feel you. hahahahah.
Nadym said…
Dal, tempat ko tu glamer sangat. Kalau jumpa FRU pi ler bunyikan loceng kat kereta FRU tu..hehehe

Marmalade, yes we are..who says that ppl in our scheme has it easy, right?
adzsha said…
hey superlady! take a deep breath n relax k..org mcm nie mmg ada kat mana2..take care :)

candat sotong smlm je tapi duduk kat pasar payang berhari-hari..jgn jadi cam aku yg mabuk warna tgk kain batik & samping songket :)
kena bwk beg besar ok

dal: btl lah tmpt ko tue mmg sensasi..aku takut tiba2 ada muka nad enter frame dlm paper..
citer xberkaitan - aku dah beli jubah pertama aku tp cikai nyer je..size & length just nice :) aku nk aim tailor-made siap ada lace trimmings kat lengan n dada..
~Je~ said…
lin tak cukup beg tau...
aku bagi beg aku... siap dia putuskan tali beg tu sbb berat sgt isinya...

Lin n Nad... korang mesti tengok citer "confessions of a shopaholic" tu tau... nanti cite kat aku...


Ko mabuk warna kan? Sampaikan kat atas bot langsung tak mabuk... eh... mana gambar2 tu? send kat aku bleh?