A Grey Cat @ Jalan Raja Laut

As I was waiting for my ride yesterday evening, a grey Persian cat walked pass me. I have a soft spot for cats- whenever I see one, I will get this mushy gushy feeling all over me. And being in close contact with the feline friends for almost a decade, I can tell whether a cat is a he or a she by just looking at the face, and not at the back..huhuhu.

Here's an example, can you tell which one of this cats are female and male?
Both answer are wrong as both are female! I think the former pic is more obvious as May had a rather feminine look despite of her rugged fur. The latter is Dedek, in her not so-cute pose.

Anyway the grey that I saw in front of my office building cat did not bring that sort of warm feeling inside me. No..it is not that the cat is ugly. I think that cat is such an elegant creature, thus there is no ugly cat in this world. It was because the way that she walked-limpy, terjengkit-jengkit.It looked like she had just been hit either by a car or motorcycle.

A few weak steps later she collapsed at the walkway, and then I saw it - blood running out from her mouth. Internal bleeding. No doubt that she had been knocked down by a vehicle in the busy Jalan Raja Laut. I wonder how on earth could a house cat be there? Who brought her there? Who abandoned her?

The next couple of minutes were really a torture. I was there as she struggled between life and death. Looking at her condition, there was no hope that she could survive. While I believe that miracle do happen, and quite a number of my cats did survived from severe sickness, accidents etc., I guess this was just not her time. I tried not to look on, I hate it as I could not do anything for her. However, every now and then I would take a glimpse at her. She alternately stood up and down again . It was like she was crushing herself towards the pavement. I silently prayed that Allah made it easier for her. Let her go from the pain and suffering. Looking at her skinny, unmanageable fur, I guess her pain was beyond the accident. I could not help to think that she used to be someone's pet and was abandoned. She looked vulnerable, a seasoned stray cat would look tougher.

That night as I laying in front of the TV, Dodi, my youngest and hyper active cat, crawled up on me and almost immediately fell asleep on my chest. I could not help but to think of the grey cat....
This is Dodi, sleeping on my pillow


rawsktar said…
alaaaaaa.aku rasa sedey baca kisah kucing nieeeee. sobssss. :(
Anonymous said…
eh, forget about cats, a lot of Malaysian drivers don't even care about pedestrians. Honestly, I was more scared being a pedestrian in KL than walking alone at night in South Central LA. (South Central LA is a ghetto area, kinda like the ones in the movie Training Day).

Remember the dying cat I told you about before I went back to LA? Urgh, the image still bugs me.