
Went for my 39-weeks antenatal check up today. Got not-so-good news. My O&G strongly advised me to go for an induction before my estimated date of delivery (EDD) which is on August 10. This was based on the overwhelming growth of my baby, whilst I still did not show any sign of delivery yet. We were being told that the baby might 'buang air' in the womb and this is a serious condition that might lead to Cesarean section.

This was really a shocking news for me. I never expect that the option of induction, let alone C-section would came into picture especially at this stage. I had mentally prepare myself for a natural birth, doing a lot of reading on childbirth and never came across this condition. More over, the previous check-ups results were very encouraging, my baby and I were in good condition.

This is a very important decision to make-to go for an induce or not. Deep in my heart I'm against it. But what if the doctor is right. I would jeopardize my baby then. This is the matter of life. Oh my, how I really hate to make decision!

Ya Allah, bantulah hambaMu ini membuat keputusan, demi kebaikan kandunganku...sesungguhnya hanya Kau yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hambaMu...


sikulat said…
awak dah bersalin ke belum ke ?
husna said…
ha..ah deema.. dah bersalin? doakan semuanya selamat :)