The Journey Begins.....Part I

August 5, 2010 ~ MH and I were still undecided about the induction thing. The truth was, MH was 80 percent sure to go for it. It was only me. I was still contemplating about the whole thing. And time was running short.

My parents in-law came to our house today, so I was pretty busy at the kitchen and managed to take my mind off the whole thing for a while. But came 4 p.m., MH told me, "Kita pergi hospital malam ni ya". I was like "Betul ke ni? I'm not ready yet!!!".

I took a long nice hot shower yang entah ke berapa kali untuk hari tu, solat taubat, sunat istikharah, hajat dan tak putus-putus berdoa. Talked to my Mom, cuba-cuba untuk menenangkan diri...finally I made up my mind to go for it - that night.Terus siapkan barang-barang untuk ke hospital. Most of the stuff, especially for the baby dah siap masuk emergency bag. Just a few of my stuff - books, toilettris, lipstick (still vain!) that need to be put inside the bag.

After we finished packing, it was already Maghrib.Tambah berdebar since I need to be at the hospital at 9 p.m.! It so happen that it was malam Jumaat, I asked my Mom to recite surah Yassin together.Alhamdulilah, I feel much calmer after that. Then I asked for her forgiveness, mudah-mudahan dengan berkat dan restu Mama, dipermudahkan urusan bersalin. Masa itulah terasa selama 29 tahun menjadi anak Mama ni, betapa banyak agaknya perbuatan dan tingkah laku yang telah melukakan hati Mama. Sememangnya syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu....

Selepas tu bersiap-siap untuk ke hospital. Felt kinda weird since I always thought that we'll go for delivery only when I start to show the signs-waterbag breaking etc. Tidaklah tenang macam ni, sampai sempat berbedak semua!

Then we headed for the hospital, and the journey begins.......

~ To be continued~


sikulat said…
akaknye 3 anak akak sume kena induction, 2 orang pertama overdue punye pasal.. yg ke-3 baru nih.. sbb doc kata air ketuban pun dah sikit.. baby pun dah penuh dah perut...