The Journey Begins...Part II

August 4, 2010 ~ We arrived at the hospital at 8.45 p.m. Nampaknya tak sempat nak dinner dahulu. I was being sent to the Recovery Room, a 3-bedded 'transit' room for expecting patients before heading to the labour room. Luckily the room was empty when I checked-in. Kalau tak suspense juga dengar bermacam-macam suara orang sakit contraction!
An hour after the procedure, I was sent to the ward. Would be spending the night there, until the induce came into effect, then only I would be brought back to the Recovery Room. All my life, this was the first time that I was being admitted to a hospital. The Doctor told me not to move around, so terlantarlah di atas katil sambil makan nasi goreng daging bersama MH yang ditapau. Sambil tu layan cerita Mami Jarum di Astro. Mode masih relaks, tapi berdebar-debar juga nak tunggu sakit. Macam pelik juga, tunggu nak sakit hehehe...August 5, 2010 ~ Around 3 a.m. - Tidur tak lena. Asyik terjaga almost every hour. Maybe because of the different ambience, atau pun debaran nak labour yang melampau. Alhamdulillah, MH ada temankan. Kesian kat dia. He had to sleep on the couch -it looked very uncomfortable.

5.30 a.m. - The nurse rang. Asking whether I already feel the contraction. Nope. Negative. A few minutes later she came in to check. Not yet. I was disappointed.

8.00 a.m. - The Doctor came. Another check. Still no progress. She told me that I had to be induced again. She told me that it was quite common for a patient to be induced twice even more than that. Felt a little relief. Underwent the procedure again.

12.00 noon - Was having lunch in the ward with MH and my Mom when the nurse rang. Asked me to go to the Recovery Room after I had finished eating. "This is it!" Waktu yang amat dinantikan. Debaran makin kuat, cuba juga habiskan makanan dan lauk udang sweet sour yang sangat sedap. Seafood terakhir sebelum berpantang!!!

After finished eating, went to the bathroom to refresh myself. Kemudian siap pakai bedak, lipstick semua. MH sangat confuse dengan keadaan ini - ni nak pergi berjalan-jalan atau bersalin? Suddenly it came to my mind that I did exactly the same thing during my Uni days. Sort of reflex reaction. Masa study dulu, pagi-pagi sebelum pergi exam mungkin orang lain akan gunakan masa yang ada to do last minute revision. But no matter what, prepared or not, saya akan bersiap-siap macam ini juga. It was sort therapy for me =) Lagipun taya tak lah siap beria-ia sangat, macam ada seorang artis tu sampai pakai fake eyelashes ke labour room! Dah selesai bersiap semua, I grabbed my Victoria Secret paper bag that contained a kitab do'a, Cecelia Ahern's Book of Tomorrow, stress ball, air zam-zam, air selusuh, face towel, toiletrris and off to the Recovery Room...and the REAL journey begins...

~ To be continued~
