My Birth Story

August 7, 2010,
  • 5-something a.m.~ Sangat sakit, dah tak boleh stay still. Pusing ke kanan kiri semua serba tak kena. The nurse came to check. Alhamdulillah dah 4 cm dilated. Yang kelakar kakak nurse yang check tu pun sama excited. Dari muka mengantuk, terus dia segar! Dalam pada gembira with the dilatation, I found the pain was unbearable. I had been 'in the process' for so long and hadn't eaten anything for almost a day, thus I was too weak. (Or so I guess). Once again I broke my birth plan by requesting for epidural.
  • The nurse prepared me for labour. I was given enema (again) and she took off the drip as I wanted to get up on and use the bathroom. I had enough of catheter and I need to refresh myself before labour.
  • 6 a.m.~ I was brought to the labour room. Finally! The anaesthetic was already in there to give me epidural. It was like a magic. Within a few minutes the pain was gone. MH entered the room after the procedure was completed. He looked haggard due to lack of sleep and anxiety- I guess. Asked him to grab something to eat before my labour. As soon as he left the room I dozed off to sleep.
  • 8 something a.m.~ I woke up to find MH already by my bedside. A nurse from the morning shift came to check. She was all chatty as she had been taking care of me since yesterday. "Baby nie nak tunggu saya juga! Tapi Doktor memang dah pesan kami stand-by untuk operate pukul 7.30 pagi ni kalau tak ada progress". By now, I guess almost everybody in the floor knows me. Even the aneasthetic told me that she noticed my name had been on the board since yesterday. It was kinda embarassing though. Back on the labour progress, not so good. I was stuck at 4 cm. This couldn't be good.
  • 9.10 a.m.~ They put on the CTG machine again. I also monitored the result anxiously. The nurse came to check again. Still no progress. She looked at the monitor and told me that the baby's condition was not good. There were signs of distress."Akak kena operate juga ni," Katanya selamba sambil menyusun peralatan bedah yang memang dah stand-by di tepi katil. Masa ni memang dah tak terkata apa dah. I looked at MH. He squeezed my hand tightly as if he was assuring me that it was okay if I had to undergo the operation. Ya Allah, aku bertawakal kepadaMu.
  • A few minutes later ~ The Doctor came in. She asked a few questions to the nurse but I was too anxious to follow their conversation. It looked like everybody was ready for an operation. Then it was the Doctor's turn to check. Muka dia berkerut-kerut. Dah pasrah sungguh hati ni. "Eh dah 9 cm ni. Ok sekarang you kena push bila ada contraction. Biar buka lagi 1 cm". ALHAMDULILLAH, tak sampai setengah jam, sampai 4 cm progress!
  • The rest was history. Setelah semua orang berhempas-pulas (no wonder they call childbirth as 'labour'. It was really hard work!) Doctor dengan kerja dia, nurses pun dengan tekan-tekan perut sambil cheer words of encouragement, most importantly MH who was very brave to endure the whole thing with me with patience and love, lots of it. After 21 hours of labour, near-Cesarean experience, presenting our lil' precious..
Adeelia binti Azamuddin
D.O.B: August 7, 2010
Time of Birth: 10.36 a.m.
Weight: 3.3 kg
Length: 51 cm


adzsha said…
oh my Nadeem..aku pun dulu mcm ko, dah nk kena ceaser sbb baby was showing sign of distress..bacalah sgala mcm ayat Quran & cakap2 dgn baby n after that bila doctor check balik dah fully dilated..
adzsha said…
oh ya, aku sbnrnya dah set kalo ada baby girl nak letak nama adelia (2nd name la) hehe so agak terkejut jgk when i found out ur lil princess's name is adeelia :D
marmalade said…
congrats nadym! :)
soooooooo cute.
raject said…
wahhhh... aku plak yg debar ni... turn aku bln 12 nih... debar seyyyy....