Hari MERDEKA saya!

Sedar tak sedar dah 47 hari saya menjadi ibu = habis tempoh berpantang = MERDEKA!! I marked my long awaited 'independence' by going grocery shopping at AEON AU2. Memang tak grand pun aktiviti tu, but at least I got to breathe the outside air =).

But the preparation for our first outing with Adeelia was quite a long and tedious process. There were a lot of firsts for a first time parents like us. From packing the baby stuff (I brought everything even if the store was just 5-minutes away from home!), fixing the car seat, assembling the stroller, preparing the expressed breast milk (EBM) (should we went out pass her feeding time) and of course choosing the right outfit for mommy! Seriously I really need to shop for new outfits to suit with my current lifestyle and ehem weight. Hahaha! Right now I'm in the not-here-nor-there body shape. I still couldn't fit into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes, but my maternity clothes are tad too big for my current size. Plus I don't have that much of button-front blouses..huhuhu.

Back to our outing experience, Adeelia slept most of the time inside the stroller. So sempatlah saya survey apa yang patut walapun niat asal nak beli barang dapur. At last I ended up with a new gown for Adeelia, a pair of new shoes for her Mama and a few baby stuff. Then we went for dinner at Johnny's. Elok je selesai kami habiskan steamboat tu, Adeelia pun bangun. Bangun je tak apa, tapi dia start nangis nak menyusu! Alamak! The EBM was already being used up while I was busy trying on the shoes, now what to do? I tried to discreetly breastfeed (BF) her at the restaurant, but I felt uncomfortable plus the top that I wore was definitely not BF-friendly. She cried even louder and people started to look at our direction. As last resort, I BF her inside the car while MH and my Mom did the grocery shopping...Lesson learn-need proper planning next time. Must locate the nursing room first (if there's any) berfore bersuka ria shopping!


adzsha said…
masa 1st time bawak Haffiy keluar pun agak kelam kabut n risau je..luckily dia ok je..nmpk sgt suka berjalan hehe

another thing shopping complexes in Dubai penuh dengan nursing/baby/changing rooms, hampir semua restrooms ada..senang..i had a bad experience while in KLCC..nursing room ada 1 je kat ujung dunia kat side KFC/Burger King while we were at the other end, level baper ntah..skali Haffiy nangis nak susu we had to rush tunggu lift and such..kesian!

another thing..after a while, with proper coverage and a nursing-friendly top dah biasa dah bf the baby while eating in the restaurant..oh ya, better duduk kat tempat yg tak ramai org & tersorok sikit :D
Nadym said…
Thanks for the tips Lin. Bila dah jadi mak ni barulah concern tentang nursing/ changing room ni. Boleh bawa proposal pd bos to have more baby friendly shopping malls in M'sia. Good for the baby, good for the mommy and good for the economy too! I guess this is a win-win situation =)