
I find it disheartening following the news lately. One was about a local celebrity who manage to complete his 'quota' and the other one was about a certain club who want to teach the wives on how to 'keep' their husbands. Both news came at about the same time. Coincidence?

To tell the truth, I am disgusted of both 'breaking' stories. I don't understand how could such trashy stories made into the headlines. Not only that, it also got the 'follow-up' news for days and unmistakably had became the hot conversation topics for many days.

And please tell me what good do we get from it? Nothing. Really. Except that the celebrity had officially reigned 'HERO' status (at least from most of his male counterpart) and now we know that pre-marriage course should be held at brothels rather that lecture halls! So now we don't need marriage councellors anymore and perhaps we should engage sex workers (not the one from Lorong Haji Taib, but first class okay!) to teach the wives and soon-to-be-wives on how to 'provide service' to their husbands. Because according to the 'genius' club leaders' theory, that is the way to keep your man happy and at the same time to curb social ills. That is what we call efficiency people! Killing two birds with a stone. No?

Now it occured to me that if such club was launched earlier, perhaps that celebrity does not have to have his forth, right? No? I put the blame on the media for sensationalizing the issue. Yes, I know such stories sell. It is always like that, but doesn't the media too have some sort of social reponsibility? Other that Publication Act, doesn't they have to do some self-regulating as well? Mind you that school children DO read the newspapers too and I could only imagine how awkward must it be for parents who have to answer curious questions from their children.

Most importantly, do we really want to feed the innocent-young minds with such thing? What will their perception about marriage then? The more the merrier? And wives are not more than just sex slaves? Are we Malaysians living in the Dark Age?

Media should be more selective and responsible on what to be reported. I can understand if such news made into the headlines of tabloids, but mainstream media? Yes, there are some media house who has this unwritten guideline for being politically correct, but I believe that ALL media has to be socially and culturally correct too.There will always be people who are publicity-crazy or in orang kita term, gila glamer. So should the media let themselves being manipulated by this publicity-crazy people?

I have a lot to say about this matter. But right now, as I'm typing this, I'm SO VERY furious! I should stop here. Of course I am no expert. I am only talking from the point of view as a concern MALAYsian.
