Welcome 2017!

Happy New Year!

Well, let's start the new year by reflecting of what had been happening to me last year. The year 2016 had been quite a roller coaster ride for me. There were a lot of great things happening to me in 2016 and of course there were some that were not so good. I'm not complaining though, because I guess that is life - we will have our share of good times and of course the opposite. It is the thing that hurt you the most that will teach you the greatest lessons in life. In order for us to appreciate the food is to be hungry first, right? 

That is why I don't really agree when some people said things like "Oh let's hope that 2017 will be a better year" and that kind of stuff. I mean, it is not the new year, the change of numbers at the end that will change our future, or our fate. It all depends on us - we are the one who are supposed to make the change. It's got nothing to do with the year etc.

But, I do agree that the new year is like the beginning a new, fresher chapter of our life. 

Image credit to Google Image
We definitely can't turn back the time, to make a new start, but we can still make a fresh new start. The best time to do it is of course at the beginning of a new year. The sense of anticipating, hopefulness etc., make it the perfect 'mental and spiritual state' for most of us to try and make things right again. 

However, truth to be said, I'm not really into making New Year's Resolution as I tend to forget / lost my resolutions in the middle of everything else 😅 For a start, I'm not really the ambitious type - that I must do this and that, to go here and there, to achieve ABC by the age of something something. I'm more of the laid-back type. Sometimes, too laid-back I guess that it scares some of the people around me, hahaha. But this is me - I take and deals with things as it comes to me. No strategic plan, no future plan too. 

And if I do have any resolutions at all (I'd tried 😪) my resolutions were usually too general and is not really related to one another. So it was like I was making this lists of things I want to achieve that year but it was a stand-alone thing. Therefore, it will be more like a 'To-Do List' rather than a total, personal achievement. 

Therefore, this year I decided not to have big, general resolutions, but to make small changes in my life everyday for the sake of my personal, mental, physical and spiritual health 😊 And if I were to have a big plan for myself, I will make it very specific, with realistic milestone, rather than just a big, general mission statement. 

It's time to make a change & the change will start now, insha Allah 🙏
