
Showing posts from January, 2020

Movie Review: DOWNSIZING (2017) - Size Doesn't Matter

Filem sains fiksyen sememangnya bukan genre kegemaran saya – mungkin kerana selalunya filem sedemikian dibikin terlalu jauh dari realiti, setnya terlalu futuristik dan terlalu asing menjadikan filem berkenaan ‘keras dan kaku’ untuk saya. Itulah, nama pun fiksyen kan. There's nothing wrong with that kind of film, but it's just not my cup of tea. Satu malam sambil mencari cerita yang menarik untuk ditonton di Netflix – ternampak filem Downsizing ini yang memaparkan gambar (antara) pelakon kegemaran saya – Matt Damon. Selalunya sebelum menonton apa-apa filem, saya akan baca sinopsis yang diberikan untuk mengetahui serba sedikit tentang jalan cerita, tapi kali ini auranya terlalu kuat (nak jugak pakai statement viral nih ๐Ÿ˜„) lantas saya terus pilih untuk menontonnya. What it is about? Dalam fikiran saya mungkin filem ini berkisar tentang kepayahan apabila syarikat melaksanakan downsizing . Rupa-rupanya telahan saya menyimpang jauh. Downsizing yang dimaksudkan dalam f...

Welcome 2020!

Welcoming another year. This year is extra special for Malaysians as it is THE year of Wawasan 2020 as envisioned by our fourth Prime Minister in 1991. And now Tun M is our seventh Prime Minister - what a great coincidence.  If you ask any Malaysians about the Wawasan, I doubt that they can really explain what it is all about, but I bet that most of them (especially the 80's babies) can sing the Wawasan 2020 song. For some reasons, the lyrics still stuck in our mind after all these years๐Ÿ˜… I was too young then to comprehend the gist of the Wawasan when it was being launched by Tun M. But like most kids (and people), I imagined that as we entered the new Millennium, our world would be just like in the futuristic, sci-fi movies. We would wear silver metallic clothes, eat super pills for energy fuel, be friends with aliens and move around in flying cars, just like this:  But here we are, two decades after the millennia - still wearing, using, eating and dealin...