Another Year, Another Adventure!

2022 in review ~ 

A lot of interesting things had happened in 2022, but somehow, I did not manage to document it well, neither through this blog nor my social media and now I'm afraid that someday, I will totally forget about it. 

"Nothing Is Ever Really Lost To Us As Long As We Remember It"  - L.M Montgomery

Therefore, here's some of the highlights of the year for the sake of memories: 

The first quarter was very interesting both personally and professionally. For the first time ever, Kakak and I participated in a 5-km run together and it was really fun and we even got ourselves matching T-shirts! I thought of registering ourselves for more running events after that, but sadly it did not materialize, along with our weekly commitment to brisk walk. So, I ended up the year getting much heavier and less fit. *Sigh*

Work wise it had been interesting too – after quite a long time being in a sort of dormant status, finally we got the leg kicking with the launch of a new programme spearheaded by our division, in particular, my section. We even had a soft launching where literally everything was being done in-house. It was definitely a memorable experience.

Little did I know it was my last stint with the office as I continued the second quarter of the year at a new place, new organization with a new position. Alhamdulillah, I finally got the much-awaited promotion just a few days shy from Raya, but it also came with an interesting twist. But I braced it all, and it’s been a really amazing journey thus far.

So, the following quarters were filled with tonnes of proceedings, meetings and a couple of visits to a few interesting places as well. I got to meet and work closely with many new people from different fields of expertise. It was quite overwhelming and yet a very refreshing change. Suffice to say, I was elated.

The final quarter was more domestic, due to the general election and all. But I got another project going at the office and it was another great experience not only for me, but if I could say it myself, for those involved as well.

Last but not least, the highlight of the year definitely was when Kakak got the top grade for her Penilaian Sekolah Rendah Agama (PSRA). It came quite unexpected as we knew that insha Allah she will get good results, but to get such an excellent grade was something that we prayed for, but not so hopeful, if I could say so myself because we did not want to burden her with such high expectations. So, we were truly surprised with the good results and it was the best feeling ever. As I always said to her, efforts should count more than the results. Alhamdulillah, all her hard work been paid off in the end by The Almighty. We were so happy for her. It was definitely a great way to end the year 😊


