
Showing posts from March, 2013

Home Sweet Home: Tiles

Wah dah lama kot tak update perkembangan rumah. Niat asal nak update ikut progress, tapi apakan daya, tiada kesempatan Anyway,better late than never, right? I still want to document our experience in building our dream home. Walau pun comel je saiznya, tapi insha Allah, rumah sendiri =) Tiles with wooden design In this entry I would like to share our experience in doing the floor. We have to change the tiles of the whole house as the current one is quite sedih in condition. Initially, we were considering wooden floor in order to get the earthy-resort feel. But we were quite skeptical on its ability to withstand the hot and humid weather, water/liquid spills etc in the long run. Little did we know that now there are tiles with wood design in the market! Of course it is cheaper to as compared with the real wood and it’s easier to maintain. So, happily we settled for the later due to both the durability and economic reasons. But we only use the wood-design tiles for...

A Quick Hi!

Wow, my last entry was dated 5 February. Agaknya memang tema 'update' blog sebulan sekali? Since this is my blog,  it's a good thing that I don't have to explain to anybody about my 'absence' from blogging. Hahahaha...   But if I must blame someone or something for my absence, I'll say the two main reasons are - (1) Lack of TIME (who hasn't?!) and (2) My current fascination with Instagram. Wah, macamlah ada beribu gambar dalam tu!   I have posted only 19 photos so far, but it is kinda  additive, don't you think? Like the saying, a picture tells a thousand words! Oh yes,  I also blame Instagram it for my deteriorating writing skills. Boleh?   Ok,here's a quick glance of what I'm up to lately...   I'm back to work after taking the full - 90 days maternity leave. Yeah, you heard me right. 90-days of being a full time mom! Like all other mothers who enjoyed the benefit - I have to thank the...